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2022 Annual Report


The financial statements of the Fund for Armenian Relief, Inc. for the year ending December 31, 2022, have been audited by the accounting firm of WithumSmith+Brown. The independent auditors issued an “unqualified opinion” that FAR statements conform to accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and that “the financial statement...present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Fund for Armenian Relief, Inc.” as of the given date. The audit report is available upon request.

The numbers are derived from the 2022 FAR audit report.

Pooled investments held by ACEF


Beneficial Interest in funds held by others


Property and equipment, net


Inventory of supplies and donated goods


Prepaid expenses


Contributions and pledges receivable




Cash and cash equivalents


2022 Asset Base

Total Assets


Grants and Contracts

$ 568,378

Other Income


In-Kind Donations



Support and Revenue





Health & Emergency Need




Development& Next Generation


Program Services

2022 Financial Highlights

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